Our Leadership
The Elders of White Stone Family Bible Church are both sheep and shepherds. In other words, they are covenanting members of the church as well as overseers of the same flock. This allows them to live both in and under authority. The responsibility of Elders include the following:
Oversee/manage the church not under compulsion, but willingly, according to the will of God. Provide oversight with eagerness, never for greed. Lead by example and do not "lord over" or intimidate. Set in order things that are lacking. Set church policy. (1 Peter 5:1-3; Titus 1:5)
Preach, teach and counsel from the Word of God. Hold fast to the Word of God in order to teach, reprove, rebuke and exhort with great patience and instruction. Teach against wrong doctrine and silence those who refute sound doctrine. (1 Timothy 1:3,4; 3:2; 4:10,11; 2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:5-13)
Shepherd the flock. Express loving care through visiting the sick, helping those in need, providing guidance and building relationships. Pray for all men, especially the sick. (1 Peter 5:1-3; Acts 20:28; John 10:1-5; James 5:14)
For more information on Elders, see this abridgement of Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch.
Brett Adams and his wife, Noel, were married in 1988 and are the parents of eleven children, and eight grandchildren. They are passionate about family discipleship. The Adamses are a founding family of White Stone Family Bible Church. Brett is a bi-vocational teaching elder who works in the field of real estate. Brett is responsible for preaching, worship leadership and oversight for our flock. Brett enjoys blues guitar, Pro Football, golf, and creating the perfect BBQ. Brett has been influenced by Douglas Wilson, J. C. Ryle, Ligon Duncan, John MacArthur, and many others.
The Deacons help meet the physical needs of the church as ministers of mercy. Alexander Strauch states it well: “Through the deacons, the local church's charitable activities are effectively organized and centralized. The deacons are collectors of funds, distributors of relief, and agents of mercy. They help the poor, the jobless, the sick, the widowed, the elderly, the homeless, the shut-in, the refugees, and the disabled. They counsel and guide people. They visit people in their homes. They relieve suffering. They comfort, protect, and encourage people, and help to meet their needs.” (The New Testament Deacon, p. 156)
Dale Amason and his wife, Sandra, were married in 1993 and are the parents of three children, ranging from teen to young married. They have one grandchild. Dale and Sandra have been homeschooling since 2003. Dale serves in the worship team.